Ana Margiani
If you don’t like your daily routine and want insomnia and stress to become your best friends, then obtaining a PMP certificate is the right decision 😀 You have to understand that the preparation process might be one of the hardest in your life, but if you have a mentor like Lela on your side, the goal will be achieved. She is not only a mentor but a friend, family member, psychologist, and everyone you might need during your journey. She always knows how to motivate you and help you to find the strength to continue the learning process. The amount of the study materials is enormous and might seem impossible to learn, but at some point, you realize that somehow you managed to understand and learn it and now everything is in your head and it seems fun to make tests and use the tools and techniques in your work. You did it and this feeling is one of the best in life and of course, this wouldn’t be possible without Lela, who is a guiding star for all her mentees ❤️